2-4 Workdays Article No. 1656
Aroma(s) : Chocolaty, Nutty
Article No. 1656

2-4 Workdays Article No. 1658
Aroma(s) : Chocolaty, Fruity
Article No. 1658

2-4 Workdays Article No. 1657
Aroma(s) : Chocolaty, Fruity
Article No. 1657

2-4 Workdays Article No. 1962
Aroma(s) : Fruity
Article No. 1962

2-4 Workdays Article No. 1709
Aroma(s) : Floral
Article No. 1709

Unavailable Article No. 1963
Aroma(s) : Floral, Fruity
Article No. 1963

Unavailable Article No. 1710
Article No. 1710
A delicious Fair Trade coffee | GEPA
GEPA (The Fair Trade Company) is the largest European importer of fair trade food and handicrafts from the Global South.
The name is derived from the German "Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Partnerschaft mit der Dritten Welt mbH," meaning “Society for the Promotion of Partnership with the Third World.”
GEPA The Fair Trade Company
Its partners (charitable organizations) include AEJ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend), MISEREOR (Bischöfliches Hilfswerk), Brot für die Welt, BDKJ (Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend), and Kindermissionswerk "Die Sternsinger" e.V.
Fair trade has been at the core of the company’s philosophy for over 35 years.
All profits are reinvested into fair trade initiatives. Coffee was the first fair trade product in the 1970s. After oil, coffee is the most exported raw material worldwide and significantly impacts the lives and environments of millions of people around the equator.